Tuesday, 7 February 2017

MUSIC. Firs Term.

In the fist term, in Music we saw a lot's of theory too:

                                   THE CUALITIES OF THE SOUND.

Pitch:  It's represented by:
                                      Clef, stave or stave, notes, scale, accidentals and task.
Duration:  It's a quality of sound that describes when a sound is long-short.
                 It's represented by
                                       Notes values, tempos, intensity and timbre.
Intensity:  To reflect sound intensity or volumen changes, we use a group of symbols called                                  dynamics. These can be expresed in three different ways.

Resultado de imagen de dynamics music

                                                    OTHER ASPECTS.
Tied: (Ligadura) Joins notes which are next to each other and which have the same pith or sound.                             
Resultado de imagen de ligadura musical
Resultado de imagen de puntilloDot:  It add half of their value                             NOTES        

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